Aaron Stuesser, 42, Amtrak
How I found F3: I moved to Washington in 2019 but didn’t know anyone locally. Less than a year later the pandemic started which made it even harder to get to know people. Fast forward to August of 2020, and my old running buddy in Sac told me he had found this group called F3 that was getting him more active beyond running and helping with his mental health during the pandemic. He briefly explained that “everyone has a nickname” before adding me on a group text with someone named “Gobbler” who invited me to come to a workout that “Garfield” was hosting. After some initial hesitation I made my way to my first workout...
First Post: My first post was August 29, 2020 at Defiance AO in Tacoma, WA. I found Garfield pulling a shovel flag out of his truck before pressing it into the ground, we were joined by just one other man, Lunger, and the workout began with just the three of us. Little did I know this also happened to be the first week of an event known as the Iron PAX Challenge, but I didn’t know any different and joined in nonetheless. The beatdown was unlike anything I had experienced before and way more than I ever would have challenged myself to do on my own. I was hooked!
Why I keep coming back: I joined for the fitness but I stay for the fellowship. The creativity of the workouts being lead by different men each week keeps the workouts fun and interesting and I enjoy seeing what someone comes up with each week, which is always more challenging and engaging than anything I’ve ever done solo, especially since I’ve only ever really run for exercise, but it’s the friendship and accountability that comes from being a part of F3 that keeps me coming back. Whether it’s seeing everyone rally around the six to help the last man completing a workout, jumping in a clown car to do a CSAUP together or simply going to Coffeeteria after workouts, it’s the second F that makes F3 special for me and keeps me coming back.
Jorge Ramos, 39, Gordito
How I found F3: I've always advocated for the importance of fitness in a man's life. I tried to get my friends to eat healthier and work out. I wished an organization like F3 existed! One Sunday morning, I was reading through a David French "Dispatch" Sunday newsletter, and he mentioned an F3 article in the NY Times. I was intrigued, so I went to their website and contacted them. I told them I wanted to start a local AO in Kent. They connected me with the Region's Nantan Garfield; the rest is history.
First Post: I rolled up to AO Milltown, which was in its' Redwood period, having no idea what I was getting into. I was pretty fit, having trained for a 50k and going to the gym, so I went hard. Our Nantan Garfield put me in my place with his lightning-speed Burpees. I knew from that first post that this was a legit workout group, but the COT also told me they were serious about intentionally building each other up. I was impressed with the camaraderie.
Why I Keep Coming Back: I've developed real friendships. I've gone through some serious life issues and helped other guys. You hear it often: "We are doing life together," but that is true with F3. There are days when I could go to the gym and hit the pavement for a workout, but then I wouldn't get to see my brothers and bring the joy from working hard together and finding out how they are doing. I never regret posting, and I usually gain rich experience from it.
Bottom line: I know you get out of something what you put in. I tell the guys that to obtain everything F3 has to offer genuinely and that they have to provide F3, they need to be involved. That starts with making it out to a workout, but it also means being intentional about fellowship and faith.
Justin Compton, 40, Garfield
How I found F3: On July 25, 2017 Art of Manliness Podcast #324: "How Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith Are the Cure for Sad Clown Syndrome" was released. This was my introduction to F3. Listening to Brett McKay interview the founders Dredd and OBT, it felt like they were talking directly to me and I'm sure many men felt the same way.
First Post: I first posted to AO-Defiance in Tacoma, WA on 2017-10-07. Yes, it took me TEN weeks from when I heard the podcast to build up the courage to attend my first workout. That first day, ONE other man (HIM) posted! I am truly grateful he welcomed this friendly new guy (FNG) and gave him a beatdown he wouldn't soon forget. If not for him, I would have never come back for a second workout.
Why I keep coming back: At the time of my first post, I had been starting to get heavily into CrossFit. I felt good physically, but the fellowship and being apart of something bigger than myself just wasn't there. I was very much about myself and my ego. This lasted 2-3 years into F3. It wasn't until I fully committed, that I felt the impact. BIG things started to happen. I saw what the power of a group of men could do together and the impact we could have on each other and our community. The fitness is great, but it's everything else that keeps me coming back.
Coming Soon
Adam Munson, 39, Rita
How I found F3: I joined F3 after Pea Shooter HC’d me to come out to a workout in January 2021 after my normal gyms had shut down or had restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, I have grown to love and appreciate the fitness, fellowship, and faith of F3.
First Post: I first posted at AO Defiance on a very cold, gloomy January Saturday. I wasn’t prepared for the beatdown that ensued. At the time, I worked in a jail and received my F3 name from Gobbler courtesy of Shawshank Redemption.
Why I keep coming back: This group has been a pivotal and positive part of my mental and physical health over the last two years. This group continues to build each other as leaders inside F3 and outside. I’m excited to see and help the growth of the organization in any capacity I am able.
I have worked in IT for over 20 years in public and private sector. I have both my undergrad (Management Information Systems) and Executive MBA degrees from Washington State University.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Thomas Morse, 36, Train
How I found F3: My friend, Gordito read an article about it and said we should try it out.
First Post: #AO-Lahar, Gordito claims there was a miscommunication, but I showed up on October 31st and he was no where to be found. Still got to meet a great group of guys doing a very intense workout. And they named me train. Because my name is Thomas. Like Thomas the Train. Get it!?
Why I keep coming back: Our families and communities need HIM. And men are in dire need of all three Fs in our culture and around the world.
Brett Heineman, 43, Duvall
How I found F3: On a gloomy morning in 2018, I was out running, and stumbled through the middle of a bunch of guys doing strange exercises and asking me to join them. A few weeks later I spotted this same motley crew heading into a coffee shop carrying little red books. After stealthily spying the title (Freed to Lead), I made a hasty retreat and started my investigation into F3.
First Post: My first post was in September 2018. Only one other Pax was there at MOHAI on that clear Friday morning. The legendary Bangkok led me on a tour of South Lake Union landmarks and through a series of exercises, including the first jumping jacks, dips and pushups I’d done in years. He spent the entire work out putting in his work, while encouraging me to keep going. He invited me back to the next Monday workout to meet the rest of the crew and go through a proper naming ceremony.
Why I keep coming back: The support of the men in F3, encouraging me to do hard things and get a little better each day was incredibly motivating. I went all-in, and started posted 3 days a week when I was in town, and then downrange when work travel took me to such exotic locations like Jacksonville, Houston, and Nashville. Over time I came to realize the men that were motivating me to accelerate every day were in turn also motivated by me. The men in my community need this, and I’m all-in on bringing F3 to everyone I can.
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